Earth Etude for Elul 19: Canopy to Heaven


by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.


~ There is a canopy of trees that open to the worlds above

so those who come to rest beneath their arbor

can transcend both worlds.

Their trunks are pillars reaching heights

we dream to touch and do not dare to try,

and yet we come to rest and seek reprieve

from weariness of life within their shelter.

Can you see this canopy within yourself,

its crown and all its glory yielding to still greater heights?

This resting place was made for you

and offers you its peace and wisdom

in release from worldly thoughts and cares.

Will you not let yourself now journey to that grove

and give yourself respite from all your ills?

Be glad in what awaits you there

and all that you will gain upon your visit.

Be grateful for the forest of this canopy

and happy for the weariness that leaves upon your entrance.

In cloud specked daylight and in nights of starry skies

the window of this canopy or crown shines down upon you

blessing you with peace, with life and light. Enjoy and stay a while.



Copyright 2016  Judith Felsen, Ph.D.


Judith Felsen holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, certificates in hypnotherapy, NLP, Eriksonian Hypnosis, and Sacred Plant Medicine. She is a dancer of sacred circle dance, an AMC kitchen crew, trail information volunteer, trail adopter, and daily student of Torah and Judaism. She is enrolled in Rabbinical Seminary International. She has studied Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and other mystical traditions. She is a hiker, walker, runner, and lives in the White Mountains with her husband and two large dogs. Her life centers around her Jewish studies and daily application.