JCC of Staten Island

camp solar tour 1 tree giveaway 3 22 15 shmita seder 3 22 15The Staten Island JCC’s Commitment to Environmentalism and Sustainability. The JCC’s greening process began in the Spring of 2009. UJA Federation of NY offered a program on environmentalism & sustainability called the Jewish Greening Fellowship. This eighteen month program aimed to reduce the environmental footprints of Jewish institutions and place caring for the environment high on the agenda of every organization that participated. The goal was to generate a meaningful response to global climate change, by upgrading the sustainable practices of the member institutions, while strengthening Jewish life. In exchange for participating the JCC committed to meaningful goals in greening, awareness and community building. We broke it into 4 areas:1-Implement greening operational policies2-Incorporate greening concepts into programming3- Search for community collaboration opportunities4-Inspire cultural/behavioral change

OPERATIONAL POLICIES• Internal HVAC Monitoring System allowing control, refinement & troubleshooting capabilities• Installation of Occupancy Sensors at the Bernikow JCC• Lighting Replacement at the JCC ECE Childhood Center at 485 Victory Blvd. • Change to non-toxic and green cleaning products and practices• Lighting Replacement at Avis/South Shore JCC• Replacement of Summer Pool Bypass Pump • Solar Thermal Hot Water System installed 2014• 100KW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System installed 2015• Tree planting – NYC Million Trees Program – Over 185 trees planted to date and 1,250 trees distributed to community • GREENING CONCEPTS INTO EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING• pre-school earthworm composting bins• inter-generational recyclable art exhibit with ECE students and senior adults • Community Art Show of recycled and repurposed art• recyclable sukkah for Sukkot• Esther’s Closet costume exchange for Purim• Lecture Series on Judaism & Environmentalism • Serenity Garden planted @ Avis/South Shore by preschool/seniors• Community seminars on solar installations  • COMMUNITY COLLABORATIONS• Make a Wish Daffodil Garden • Milliontreesnyc Tree Give-aways• SIEDC Green & Clean Expo Sponsor• Green Zone Task Force• Energy Wise Task Force• West Brighton LLC, SI Green Business Initiative• SI Green Umbrella • composting at JCC summer camp at HKC campgrounds•CULTURAL AND BEHAVIORAL CHANGE• 2 Earth Fairs• Green Spotlights in Monthly Bulletin• Reality Check & C4C- teen & college age antismoking outreach – smoke free campuses• Reduction of Paper Usage and Agency Mailings• Using 30% recycled paper for all publications• Electronic and Textile Recycling Events • Shmita seder march 2015 • Family Eco-days

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