Despite clear scientific evidence of the harm being done to our air, land, and water, by greenhouses gases, Senators and Representatives have introduced a barrage of bills that would roll back the Environmental Protection Agency’s enforcement of Clean Air Act safeguards. The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (H.R. 910/S.482.) would allow polluters to continue to spew unlimited amounts of carbon and other pollution into our air.
These safeguards are already saving lives and improving the health of millions of Americans. Congress must not halt EPA’s work in its tracks. “Dirty Air” bills like this put the interests of America's biggest and dirtiest polluters ahead of the health of each of us, our kids and families. A vote on these issues could come in the Senate as soon as tomorrow!
From the earliest verses of the Torah, Jewish values teach us to be good caretakers of our earth and all its resources, valuing the life and health of all people as key priorities. Polluting our air and warming our earth by burning fossil fuels debases these values. Attacks on efforts to clean our air violate the mandate of Genesis that we ‘till and tend’ the earth and run counter to COEJL’s principal mission of ‘Protecting Creation, Generation to Generation’. We must work to assure the continued health of our environment for all people and for future generations.
Urge your members of Congress to vote against any bill that would block or repeal the EPA’s ability to continue to regulate the nation’s biggest polluters. Click here to write your Senator or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121. For more information, please contact us at .