Interfaith Climate Change Forum in Jerusalem on July 25th

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development Cordially Invites You

To an Interfaith Climate Change Forum on the topic

How Can Religions Address the Climate Crisis?

with the Honorable Panelists:

His Beatitude Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Haj Salah Zuheika, Deputy Minister of the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Religious Affairs

Rabbi David Rosen, AJC International Director of Interreligious Affairs

All of Whom are Members of The Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land

The American Colony Hotel
One Louis Vincent Street, Jerusalem
Monday, July 25th, 10:00 AM

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development promotes the cooperation and training of religious leaders, teachers, and seminary students on environmental sustainability.

The Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land recently endorsed a Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change. The three members of the Council will share their faith’s perspective on environmental preservation and climate change. Dr. Michael Kagan will serve as moderator for the panel.

Click here to RSVP and Click here for directions
For further information, please email
or contact Mr. Joshua Schaffer at 052-470-2369 (Israel) or 973-433-3322 (US-line).

This is the launch event of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (, and is sponsored by The Julia Burke Foundation.

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