The Beauty of Compost

(reposted from Rabbi Nina Cardin’s blog: )

A brief respite from the summer’s heat:

I had been looking for the perfect counter-top compost container and had not been able to find one.

So, in desperation, I simply reached for a clear plastic cannister that would otherwise be holding flour or rice or granola or some such. We keep it by the sink and dump our food shards in there.

Surprisingly, fresh compost is not always unattractive. Neither is nicely “cooked” compost. Good finished compost ready to be used is often rich and aromatic. It is only the in-between stage that is yucky.

One afternoon last week, we cleared out the refrigerator of stuff we had not used in time (that is a whole other issue: how much we all throw away because it is just overlooked!) and this still-life-in-canister emerged.

So on my way to the compost pile I paused and took this picture. I kind of like it.

And some other life forms are liking it now too.