Peter Yarrow (from Peter, Paul & Mary) invites you to his NYC home for an Eden Village fundraiser!

Dear Friends,

I'm very pleased to invite you to my home in Manhattan for a benefit supporting the extraordinary work of Eden Village Camp, the innovative Jewish farm-to-table & arts camp an hour north of NYC.

Monday, April 30th

6:00 – 8:00pm

Near Columbus Circle in Manhattan, NYC

Local organic Kosher hors d'oeuvres & wine served

Click here to buy your ticket:

The happiness, excitement and heartfelt way in which the Eden Village campers and staff interact is moving and beautiful. As founding president of Operation Respect, a non-profit working to assure each youth a respectful & safe learning climate, I am delighted to know of Eden Village as a place where kindness is cool.

I plan to share some songs, and we'll auction off a guitar specially hand-painted for the occasion. I'm honored to host this gathering of music, connection, and building a world with more kindness and inspiration for our young people!

All proceeds from our fundraiser will support scholarships for the transformative Eden Village experience. Please register for the event right now. (And at latest by Tuesday, April 24th) Register here:

L'Shalom and off we go!


P.S. – If you can't make it, please consider making a donation to support the scholarship fund:


Eden Village is honored to be recognized by the "Slingshot Guide" as one of the 50 most innovative Jewish organizations in North America!