(reposted from Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin's blog:http://blog.bjen.org/ dated May 2, 2012)
Quote of the week:
"We are a Star Wars civilization [with] Stone Age emotions, … medieval institutions… and god-like technology. And this god-like technology is dragging us forward in ways that are totally unpredictable." E. O. Wilson in an interview with Grist.org.
Not a bad assessment. We know our emotions and our structures lag far behind our curiosity, imagination and scientific discoveries.
The question is how do we – and the world – stay safe while we build the future of our dreams?
My sense: stay with the basics –
* care for each other – remembering the legacy of the past, honoring those here today and protecting those to come tomorrow;
* pause a moment to think things through; then talk about it with those who might agree AND those who might not agree;
* be passionate but not impatient
* speak out boldly and often when necessary (E.O. Wilson also asked in that interview why the youth of today weren't on the streets protesting to protect the world that their leaders and parents are consuming before their eyes? Environmentalism was a cause of social protests in the '70's. Why not now?
Add your own wisdom and spread the word.