I usually use this monthly blog as an outlet to voice my opinions about policies related to environmental issues. However, this week I read a really cool article that I wanted to share. The short article (produced below along with a link) illustrates how amazing nature can be and the importance of protecting and preserving as many species of living organisms as possible. Although I have never viewed a Gouldian finch, and it is quite likely I never will, there is no question that the world would be worse off if these birds were somehow wiped out. Now, there is nothing to suggest that these finches are endangered, but I am using this species to exemplify the importance and true magnificence of every living species. Can you imagine if we as humans advertised our personality by the color of our heads? I think an argument can be made that we often forecast our daily moods through facial expressions or posture (although a few people I know gets upset because I read too much into their facial expressions and often get it wrong), but the idea that this species has developed a color scheme to match their personality is simply remarkable. There are so many amazing species out there and it is worth learning more about them, not only because they are super fun to look at and learn about, but also to remind ourselves of the pure quantity of “awesomeness” (I think this is the word that really captures how I feel) out there in the world among the over 1.7 million species of living things on our planet. Check out the following links for 25 cool and obscure animals: http://www.succeedsocially.com/coolanimals
Full Story: http://www.enn.com/wildlife/article/44494
Bird's head colour determines its personality
UK researchers have shown that highly sociable Australian birds, called Gouldian finches, have different personalities according to the colour of their heads.
The team, led by Leah Williams and Dr Claudia Mettke-Hofmann from Liverpool John Moores University, found that red-headed birds have aggressive tendencies, while those with black heads are bold and take more risks than their peers.
This is only the second time researchers have demonstrated such a strong link between personality and colour. The only other study showed that dark, male Hermann's tortoises are both more aggressive and bolder than paler males.
'We think that head colour is used as a signal of personality to other birds in the flock, so they know who to associate with,' says Williams, who studied the birds as part of her PhD project.
Scientists first noticed a link between animals' different colours and various aspects of their behaviour such as aggression, sexual behaviour and predator-avoidance tactics in the early 90s. Red, for example, has long been associated with aggression in cichlids, other birds, reptiles, primates and even us.
But individual behaviours like aggression can only be called personality if repeatable over long periods of time.
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