Seeking Venues for Jewish Environmental Speaking Tour

I am planning a Jewish environmental speaking trip for next month (December) and seek help in finding Jewish institutions or groups that are interested in my speaking at their institution in New Jersey, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco areas. I founded and direct the Jerusalem-based Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), which accesses the collective wisdom of the world’s religions to promote co-existence, peace, and sustainability through education and activism. ICSD’s Jewish Eco Seminars branch works within the Jewish community to promote Jewish environmental awareness and action.

I plan to be in the United States from Nov. 29th– Dec. 23rd. This includes being:

  • in the New Jersey/New York City area from Nov. 29th-Dec. 9th;
  • in the Los Angeles from December 9th to 13th, which includes the first few days of Chanuka;
  • in the San Francisco Bay Area from December 13th to 23rd, which includes the last few days of Chanuka, and the week after Chanuka.

I can teach on a number of topics, including

  • Chanukah and a Jewish Vision for Environmental Sustainability
  • Hurricane Sandy and Jewish Environmental Teachings
  • How Interfaith Environmental Cooperation Promotes Peace in Israel
  • Israel's Environmental Challenges and the Relevance of Jewish Teachings

I have a strong basis for teaching on Jewish values, Israel, and the environment, following an MA and BA at Stanford focusing on the environment, seven years of Jewish learning in Israel with an emphasis on Judaism and the environment, and several years of teaching experience on this topic. References, a fee schedule, and my resume are available upon request. Articles about the work of my organization can be viewed at and

Rabbis and congregants have written the following about their experience during past speaking tours in 2008 and 2010:

  • “Rabbi Neril’s Jewish Eco Seminar put a spiritual foundation to the challenges we face with the environment.”
  • “Transcendent moments at Jewish Eco Seminars!…Jewish values grounded us in bringing heaven and earth closer together to do Tikkun Olam for the environment.”
  • “An inspiring educational experience that created an interactive dialogue for what Judaism teaches about caring for the environment.”

Please call or email me if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your time and attention.



Rabbi Yonatan Neril

Founder and Director

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development |

973-433-3322 (US-line)