The Natural Bible

For anyone interested in Bible study, nature, the environment or religion, this unique and valuable resource elucidates the connections between Judaism and the natural world.

The Natural Bible explores how religious environmental values can help us have a healthier relationship with the earth, and at the same time, how an appreciation of the natural environment enriches our understanding of the biblical text’s use of metaphors from the natural world.

Topics include sustainability and stewardship, our relationship with living creatures and God’s creation, and environmental justice. Essays on water, plants and animals explore symbols from the world of nature, and how the Jewish calendar and holiday cycle are linked to the climate and land of Israel.

This 250+ page book includes a guide to the many plants and trees of the Bible, and
Tu BiSh’vat resources. Features searchable text, built-in glossary and index, hypertext links, multimedia and interactive elements. Bookmark favourite passages, highlight text, and take notes for study cards and sharing.

Perfect for teaching Jewish ideas or holidays, preparing Torah study or writing a d’var Torah, or encountering an unfamiliar biblical plant (whether on a hike in Israel or reading the weekly Torah portion).

The Natural Bible by Baruch Sienna.

Published by Behrman House.

Samples and more info: