The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (the RAC) are joining together to demonstrate support from the Jewish community for the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed new, strict standards for carbon pollution from new power plants. New, large natural gas-fired plant emissions would be limited to 1,000 pounds of CO2 per megawatt-hour and small natural gas-fired and coal-fired plants would be limited to 1,100 pounds. Conventional coal plants currently emit more than 1,800 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt.
It is long overdue that we reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. Carbon emissions are the leading cause of climate change, and power plants are our nation’s largest source of carbon pollution. These proposed carbon pollution limits will set higher technology standards to reduce our nation’s contribution to climate change and air pollution. Now is the time to support the EPA’s new limits on carbon pollution and speak out for climate justice. The EPA will be taking comments on the new regulations until 60 days after publication on the federal register.
TAKE ACTION! Tell EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy that you support the EPA’s efforts to reduce carbon pollution and address climate change by creating a new Carbon Pollution Standard.