As part of the Year of Jewish Policy Engagement, COEJL, Canfei Nesharim and Jewcology are proud to present:
Basics of Advocacy for Jewish Environmentalists: A Citizen Training Webinar
To build a more sustainable society, we need more than just individual action: we also need sustainable policies at the local, state and national level. Many Jewish environmentalists want to get involved with advocacy, but aren’t sure exactly where to start. The advocacy world can feel like a confusing maze. When should I call my representative? What kind of letter will make the most difference? How do you schedule a meeting?
Join COEJL, Canfei Nesharim and Jewcology for “Basics of Advocacy for Jewish Environmentalists,” an opportunity to learn about the basic tools of advocacy and how you can make a difference. We explored the challenges and opportunities of advocacy, tools to help you, and practice some specific skills to help you get started.
Next webinar: Monday, March 31 at 8:00-9:30 pm. Register here!
Want to hear about future opportunities? Let us know.
This training requires your active participation, so please plan to have computer, internet and telephone available and to be present for the full 90 minutes. Space is limited. This webinar is free, thanks to the generous support of our Year of Engagement sponsors.