Recently, I’ve been more focused on teaching my baby to crawl than the state of the environment in Israel. But even for us moms living inside the family bubble, there’s a world out there that sometimes needs our attention.
That’s why I am proud to be part of the Green Israel slate for elections of the World Zionist Congress. If you care about the environment in Israel and have not yet voted in the election, your vote can make a difference in a greener Israel. You can vote here:
The vote costs $10, which pays for the cost of the election only. All Jews are eligible to vote. The election ends on April 30.
Here’s a little more information about the WZC and the Green Israel slate:
The World Zionist Congress exists to give Jews in the diaspora a voice in Israeli affairs. Before 1948, the World Zionist Congress was the pre-state parliament of what would become Israel. After Israel was established, most of its powers were taken over by the Knesset (Israel’s parliament). But since all Jews have a stake in what happens in Israel, the WZC was retained to give diaspora Jews a voice.
The WZC retains considerable influence over several important institutions, including the Jewish Agency (which is involved in immigration), and the Jewish National Fund. The JNF, which most people know as the organization that plants trees in Israel, owns 13% of the land in Israel. Despite the identical name, the JNF in Israel is a separate legal entity from JNF in the United States. It is the de-facto national forestry service of Israel.
Since its creation in 2001, with just a couple of seats, the Green Israel slate has passed seven laws at the Congress. It has been able to use its position to appoint sustainability-minded members to the board of JNF in Israel, designate new nature preserves, quadruple the number of trees planted, and establish hundreds of miles of bike trails throughout the country.
You can see the slate platform here:
And here is the Green Israel slate:
If you care about Israel’s environment and would like to see it protected, please join me in supporting the Green Israel slate as the WZC election comes to a close. Make sure to cast your vote by April 30!