Earth Etude for Elul 3: This Elul

by Judith Felsen, Ph.D.

This Elul

I will meet You in our fields 

 of shattered dreams

desires not sustained

supplications unrequited

Earth in hovering between

  pending diagnosis, treatment,

 and precarious recovery

Our state and fate, of You

I bring our ailments 

  sown in self and soil

  to be plowed

  to wisdom’s strengths

through ceasing, owning, pausing,

clearing, tilling, working in

Tikkun Olam with You

© J.Felsen, Ph.D. 7/29/20

Judith Felsen, Ph.D. is a N.Y.S. Licensed Clinical Psychologist who resides in Bartlett, N.H. at the edge of the White Mt. National Forest. Judith is a lover of and advocate for nature and all life, a hiker, walker, dancer, meditator, poetess, volunteer, gardener, wife and dog mother of two rescue dogs. She offers consulting upon request and spends time practicing and studying various treatment and healing modalities. She is on the board of the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation, the Mt. Washington Valley Havurah and Neskaya Center for Movement Arts. Since Covid-19 Judith and Jack, her husband, have lived in Long Beach, New York where she practices, walks the beach, boardwalk and delights in the garden Jack cultivated. Judith participates in virtual services and is active in the Jewish community of both New Hampshire and New York. This year, Judith and her husband were awarded the JFNH Shem Tov Award for work on Holocaust and Genocide Education, related studies and offerings to the public and other organizations and audiences. Judith and Jack are second generation survivors and work to enhance the end of genocide for all.

Member since 2014
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