Earth Etude for Elul 27

A Narrow Bridge

by Chaplain Dr. Rabbi Leslie Schotz

Rabbi Nachman of Breslow says the world is a very narrow bridge. The main thing is not to be afraid.

We are created from the earth and to the earth we will return.

The heavens are water above. The lakes and oceans hold the mystery and life force below.

We walk a path of hopefulness even as we reflect about the future of all life on earth. Our days are numbered. The Psalms remind us to treasure each day and open our hearts to its wisdom.

The path we take can lead us to transformation.

Like the swan appearing so graceful, yet vigorously paddling underneath. We too struggle within to make teshuvah, an inner turning. We tefillah we pray. And tzedekah justly empowers others to be nurtured and supported by community resources.

As we remember each of us is created in G!d’s image: B’tzelem Elokim.

Chaplain Rabbi Dr Leslie Schotz is a Board Certified Chaplain who works as a hospice chaplain on Long Island, New York. Rabbi Schotz is the author of two books. One is entitled “Spiritual Direction for Jewish Children.” The other is “Congregational Guide for Jewish Meditation.

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