Beth Chaim Congregation

Beth Chaim is a congregation with a unique and vibrant Jewish spirit! We share friendships, simchas and we have a deep sense of compassion which is evident in how we care for one another in times of need, and how we reach out to the greater community to offer support in acts of tikkun olam. Beth Chaim Congregation provides spiritual, social, cultural and educational programs for adults and children that respond to the needs and interests of our members. We’re proud that our members are found in many leadership roles in community-wide Jewish and secular organizations and activities. We are delighted that we have been able to share our Jewish heritage with the greater Tri-Valley community for the past four decades. We remain unaffiliated to honor all existing movements (backgrounds and beliefs) of Judaism and to embrace all who choose Beth Chaim as their spiritual home, including interfaith families.

We are just beginning a discussion of how Jewish ethics can inform the curriculum, decisions, and practices of our religious school. A synagogue garden may be part of our plan. We have a long way to go, but are very excited!

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