2 results for author: Melissa Simon

Upstream or Gan Eden

2013: January 16th, 23rd, and 30th, I have been invited to lead a Wednesday Night Forum series on Judaism and the Environment at Chicago's Anshe Emet Synagogue @ Broadway/Grace. All invited, no fee. http://www.ansheemet.org/CalendarEvent.aspx?cal=Featured%20Events&id=jtvuqfnp51nu05mjuamo0pri50_20130117T010000Z http://www.ansheemet.org/calendar.aspx

Workshop: Urban Composting – From Scraps to Soil

This year during Chol HaMoed Sukkot we will connect to the earth with our hands in the soil. I am teaching friends and neighbors how to compost right here in the city. I've partnered with a nifty new start-up for this inaugural venture. In the future, this workshop will be taught in the context of Jewish education, just like we did/do at the Teva Learning Center. Read more and sign up at the link. Most of all, tell your friends in Chicago. Shana tova! http://www.dabblehq.com/events/urban-composting-scraps-to-soil/ Urban Composting: Scraps to Soil Sunday Oct 16th 2:00pm - 4:00pm Waste. We all make it. But is your ...