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D’var Torah: Tu B’Shevat 5773 – Assiyah
The following is a brief D'var Torah I gave at Anshei S'fard Kehillat Torah's Tu B'Shevat Seder in Milwaukee.
Lag B’Omer Program: Fire or Solar Panel visit?
What would you do? What lessons are you teaching/ role modeling? 1. The magic of a bonfire in a fire pit? and carbon emissions or 2. Visit a solar panel energy factory? and carbon emissions from the bus getting you there? Please share your thoughts! Pam
Jewish Environment: Education, Action and Activism 30 Somethings
Chaverim, I'm reaching out to all of you who are engaged successfully with Jews in their late 20's and early 30's. Please share what is enticing to this group in terms of Jewish environmental learning, action and activism? What works? What doesn't work? Thanks so much! Pam
My Zaide, Sukkot and Food Insecurity
As a child at Sukkot I recall my beloved Zaide Shaya Yosef Z”L eating meals and sleeping in the simple Sukkah behind his house. Zaide was a pious Jew who left his Polish shtetl, Checiny, in order to bring his wife and children to a better life in Canada. Stories my mother tells about Checiny describe a home not much more secure than Zaide’s fragile Sukkah. Access to food, especially fresh produce, was limited. The family was often ...
Halfway Through the Food Stamp Challenge
I am at the halfway point of the one week Fighting Poverty with Faith Food Stamp Challenge. My personal challenge has been to spend the allotted $1.50/meal but with a twist: to eat organically. There is method to my madness. My understanding is that 46 million Americans live on Food Stamps to ‘supplement’ their nutritional needs. I imagine that many of these 15% of Americans live food insecure lives. This means that the ...
Take the Food Stamp Challenge!
Join me for the 4th annual Fighting Poverty with Faith mobilization this week by taking the Food Stamp Challenge from Thursday, October 27th through Thursday November 3rd. The challenge is to limit yourself to a food budget of $31.50/week, $4.50/day or $1.50/meal. This is the average amount allotted a person who qualifies to receive food stamps. Almost 46 million or 15% of Americans live on food stamps or SNAP. I imagine that many are ...
My Mother Rose and Apples
Jewcology's intensive one day "Connecting to the Heart Public Narrative Training" in June helped me formulate the following narrative to share my ideas, emotions and move others to act. "My mother Rose immigrated to Canada in the 1930's from a shtetl called Checiny. As a child in Poland she was often hungry and malnourished. She did however remember with delight receiving an apple as a special treat at Chanukah. 'Poor ...