Member since 2013

ShirLaLa's Earth Worm Disco

Earth Worm Disco is a live show and CD geared towards children and families. Often matched with Tu B'Shvat, the music and on-stage games go into depth combining environmentalism and Jewish spirituality. We sing and play about earth appreciation, spending time outside, the Farmers Market and using all five of our senses, the story of our trash, interconnectivity, love for trees, plants, earth worms, and the true super powers of the earth (Hydro Power!, Biomass Power!, Solar Power!, etc). The show is lively and animated, full of characters like Mother Earth, Dr. BreathEasy, and the G Generation of Superheroes. Earth Worm Disco's website, is a resource center for environmental education for parents and children. Shira's Jewish family website and "Blog Sameach", ( makes the connection between environmental action and Jewish practice.Songs include:Roll Up On Your TricycleEarth Worm DiscoFarmers MarketReduce Reuse Recycle and RockWay Up ThereThe Sun Shines Down on Every OneRecyclin' MachineWhole Wide WorldG-GenerationTurning of the World

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