Joint Statement Led by Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Conservative & Reform Movements
WASHINGTON, DC – A broad coalition of over 100 national and local Jewish organizations have released a new statement expressing deep alarm and concern over the Trump Administration’s attacks on democratic norms and values.
The statement is jointly led by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly. The groups signing on to the statement represent a broad range ...
Their titles are:
1. Why Is This Night Different: Thoughts on Tu B’Shvat
2. Tu B'Shvat and Vegetarianism and Veganism
3. Preserving the Sacred Environment: A Religious Imperative – A Tu Bishvat Message
4. Lessons From Trees: a Tu Bishvat Message
5. Celebrating Tu Bishvat as if Environmental Sustainability Matters
6. Lessons From Trees that Can Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet
7. For Tu Bishvat: 36 Jewish Quotations About Trees
8. Questions That Can Be Considered At a Tu B’Shvat Seder
No fee expected and any article can be modified to meet ...
You are cordially invited to a Zoom Tu Bishvat Seder on Tu Bishvat, Wednesday, February 12, from 8 to 930 PM Israel time (1:00 to 2:30 PM US Eastern time)
You can attend at
The link for the ten pages of source sheets that will be the basis of the Zoom seder is They will be screen-shared.
I have conducted many Tu Bishvat seders in the past, both in rooms with attendees and by Zoom.
You may attend the Seder without partici...
Shalom, dear rabbi,
As a respected community leader, you are in an excellent position to help create a habitable, healthy, environmentally sustainable world for future generations in a way that will promote Jewish teachings and significantly enhance the image of Judaism worldwide.
It has become increasingly apparent that the world is rapidly approaching a climate catastrophe.
In early November, 2024 was already declared the hottest year worldwide in recorded history, surpassing the record established in 2023. Amazingly. all 23 consecutive months, from ...
The titles are:
Chanukah and Vegetarianism and Veganism
2. Miraculously Stretching the Oil: Dietary Connections to Energy Use
3. Celebrating Miracles at Chanukah
4. Eight Reasons to Become Vegan During Chanukah
5. Chrismukah: Giving Thanks for Miracles!
6. Chanukah and Veganism
1. Chanukah and Vegetarianism and Veganism
Many connections can be made between vegetarianism and veganism (henceforth veg*ism) and the Jewish festival of Chanukah:
1. According to the Book of Maccabees, the ...
This article was co-edited by Prof. Dan Brook (Bio at end)
Christmas on December 25 and Chanukah on 25 Kislev periodically coincide and do so again in 2024 on Christmas Day, which is the first night of Chanukah. Some are calling it Chrismukah. Some are calling it another miracle!
Hope springs eternal. Indeed, it’s always been an integral part of Jewish and American history, spirituality, and politics. Without hope, there wouldn’t be a Chanukah; without hope, there might not even be a Jewish community; without hope, there might not be America ...
Humanity's most urgent issue is whether a climate catastrophe can be prevented. Alarming trends and recent extreme climate events suggest that the world is approaching a critical tipping point.
In 2024, heat waves were so frequent and intense that by early November, the year was declared the hottest in recorded history—breaking the previous record set just one year earlier in 2023. Astoundingly, all 13 months from June 2023 to June 2024 set new monthly temperature records. Additionally, 25 of the 26 .hottest years on record have occurred in this century.
This relentl...
Veganism is the diet most consistent with fundamental Jewish teachings.
Judaism emphasizes pikuach nefesh, that Jews should carefully preserve our health and our lives. Of the 613 Jewish mitzvot (commandments), 610 can be overridden if it might help save a life. The only three exceptions are the prohibitions against murder, idolatry, and sexual immorality. However, many scientific studies have linked animal-based diets to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, several types of cancer, and other life-threatening diseases. These findings are consistent with the ...
This article was co-authored by Michael Gribov. Director of Movement Building for Jewish Vegan Life.
The world is at a tipping point. The United Nations has declared a “code red for humanity” in response to the accelerating climate crisis. From rising sea levels to extreme weather events, the planet is being pushed to the brink by human activity. As the effects of climate change become more pronounced, it is clear that we are running out of time to avert catastrophic damage.In the face ofsuch an overwhelming crisis, many are left wondering: What can I, as one ...
6 Nov. 2024 / 5 Cheshvan 5785
For many who care about environmentalism and addressing climate change — and for many who fight White supremacy — the results of Tuesday’s election are exceptionally concerning. Among other promises, the president-elect — whose campaign rhetoric and first White House term were tainted by extensive anti-Semitism and other forms of racism — has vowed to gut environmental programs, reversing many federal-government policies that address climate change. Take some time to mourn what could have been had a different candidate won. Here ...
Joyce D’Silva’s book Animal Welfare in World Religion; Teaching and Practice points out an anomaly that is the main reason that the world is rapidly approaching a climate catastrophe and facing other environmental threats. While about 80 percent of the world’s people belong to a religion and these religions have strong teachings about compassion for animals, the vast majority of the people have animal-based diets that involve great cruelty to animals.
Animal-based agriculture is the main cause of climate change for two very important reasons. Cows and ...
There are many connections between veganism and the Jewish festivals of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret (the Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly), and Simchat Torah:
1. Sukkot commemorates the 40 years when the ancient Israelites lived in the wilderness in frail huts and were sustained by manna. According to Isaac Arama (1420-1494), author of Akedat Yitzchak, and others, the manna was God's attempt to reestablish a vegan diet for the Israelites.
2. On Simchat Torah, Jews complete the annual cycle of Torah readings and begin again, starting with the first chapter of Genesis, which ...
This is Where it All Begins
by Rabbi Judy Kummer
~Human beings have often pondered the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. As a gardener, I think more about the cycle of pollination and the growth of seeds and plants and flowers, which lead to more pollination and ultimately to the growth of more seeds. I thought of this recently as I was watching a bumblebee drowse lazily among glorious flowers in a garden, pollinating the blooms and allowing for the creation of more seeds and flowers.
In the musical Hamilton, they sing of “the room where ...
Michael Gribov, head of movement building for Jewish Vegan Life, is the co-author of this article.
In a world grappling with the urgent realities of climate change, we often find ourselves searching for solutions—big ideas that can slow down, if not completely reverse, the damage we’ve done to our planet. One solution, however, is within our reach every single day: changing what we put on our plates.
I, Richard, am partnering with a nonprofit called Jewish Vegan Life (JVL) where we are leading a movement that links one of the most powerful actions—...
Hineni--A Heart-centered Etude for this Season
by Maxine Lyons
~I am practicing “active hope”– focusing my efforts to align with others dedicated to showing up to be counted together, to make a positive difference in this broken world and to express gratitude for the source of life.
Hineni - Here I am - proclaiming the abundance and beauty of nature, to the wind that guides my steps in the forests and at the beaches, moving me along on my path to refresh mind and body.
Hineni - for my diverse gardens, encouraging me to attend to the natural fullness ...
Shana tova!
It has been a difficult and complicated year.
finding sudden moments of meaning
unexpected openings
holy ground
and deep companionship
We allow ourselves to awaken to mystery
and find strength in sacred community
And as we enter the new year,
we remember
that life can, once again,
and begin anew.
Shana tova!
Wishing you and your loved ones
a healthy, sweet, and meaningful year.
Rabbi Katy Allen, Jewish Climate Action Network and Ma'yan ...
Earth Etude for Elul 27
by Akiko Yonekawa
As a child growing up in Los Angeles, I had simple plans for adult life: to be an artist, teacher, actor, and/or mom. In my actual adulthood, I have had occasion to be one of those things - high school teacher - though I no longer teach. As the years progressed, I developed interests in religion and art history, so for a while I wanted to be a rabbi and then a museum educator. I am, to date, neither rabbi nor museum educator. I had been convinced as a child that the goal of aging was simply to become a grown-up. As a ...
Earth Etude for Elul 26
by Rabbi Marisa Elana James
We do live in overwhelming times, as have so many of our ancestors, but I suspect that my great-grandparents’ lack of the internet and 24-hour news cycle made it somewhat easier to cope.
Part of me wants to know about every wildfire, every tornado cluster, every new “thousand-year flood,” every point of data that helps me articulate what needs to change.
And another part of me is simply exhausted, flattened with helplessness in the face of so many tragedies, unable to transform my outrage and ...
Earth Etude for Elul 25
by Rabbi Steven J. Rubenstein, BCC
God said, “Let there be vegetation of all kinds to create a sense of awe and wonder in my creatures and let them be stewards over this garden of beauty, protecting it and preserving it as a legacy for future generations.”
And humans harvested from the bounty of the land, but they did not follow God’s commandment over the decades, destroying the land for their personal gain, taking more than they were entitled to in the same way that they took extra manna in a previous generation.
The earth ...
Past, Present, and Future
by Thea Iberall, PhD
~I'm at a shoreline retreat rocking on the dining hall porch. I'm thinking about how vulnerable everything is: people, the land, nature. I'm thinking about my own fragility. Flags above me are flapping in the breeze, a precursor to the remnants of the hurricane that will be hitting us tomorrow. I'm scrolling through the news on my phone: a white politician wanting to win an election, a famous black man complaining about biased treatment by an airline crew. The ocean has a steady presence, like a heater in the ...