69 results for tag: Camp Counselors
Sukkot and Shmita Resources and Events
contributed by all the organizations and initiatives on “the Map” http://jewcology.org/map-of-initiatives/
Here’s a quick bit of Sukkot Torah to start us off: “The four species of the lulav represent the four types of ecosystems in the land of Israel: desert (date palm), hills (myrtle), river corridors (willow), and sh’feilah, the lowlands (etrog). Each species has to be fresh, with the very tips intact – they can’t be dried out, because they hold the water of last year’s rain. Together, they make a kind of map of last year’s rainfall, and together, we use them to pray for next ...
Why Jewcology Matters
It feels good to be back blogging on Jewcology after a 6 month hiatus. During this period, my wife gave birth to a baby boy and we moved from NYC to Maryland. Although it has been a very hectic time, as those with children or nieces/nephews know, the birth of a child changes one's perspective on the world. I have been involved with Jewcology since its inception and think it serves a very important purpose. I am thrilled that a new group of individuals has become involved, breathing a new sense of energy into the movement, including the launching of the redesigned website. When asked to continue on as a blogger for Jewcology, I did not ...
Can we see all Earth as our Holy Temple of today?
There are two crises in the world today that call especially for Jewish responses:
One because it involves the future of a state that calls itself “Jewish,” and of its supporters in America -- their spiritual, intellectual, ethical, and physical futures – at a moment when the relationship between Jews and our Abrahamic cousins of Palestine is filled with violence that threatens to kill more people, breed more hatred, and poison the bloodstream of Judaism and Jewish culture;
The other because it calls on Judaism as –- probably uniquely -- a world religion that still can draw on having once been an indigenous people of ...
Dead Young Men: Mississippi, Israel, Palestine
I spent several days last week in Mississippi, --
Mourning the murders of three young men 50 years ago;
Celebrating a Mississippi that today is very different;
Facing the truth that Earth and human communities –-- especially, still, those of color and of poverty –- are being deeply wounded by the Carbon Pharaohs’ exploitation and oppression;
Talking/ working toward a future of joyful community in which Mother Earth and her human children can live in peace with each other in the embrace of One Breath.
And then, a few days later, came the news of the murders of three ...
The Seder’s Innermost Secret — Charoset: Earth & Eros in the Passover Celebration
There it sits on the Seder plate: charoset, a delicious paste of chopped nuts, chopped fruits, spices, and wine.
So the question would seem obvious: "Why is there charoset on the Seder plate?"
That's the most secret Question at the Seder – so secret nobody even asks it. And it’s got the most secret answer: none.
The Haggadah explains about matzah, the bread so dry it blocks your insides for a week.
The Haggadah explains about the horse-radish so bitter it blows the lid off your lungs and makes breathing so painful you wish you could just stop.
The Haggadah even explains about that scrawny chicken ...
Environmental Tip of the Week: Replace one or more store-bought, chemical-filled body-care products with something homemade and natural!
Cross posted in Environmental Tip of the Week
This is a great resource to get you started: http://www.jewcology.org/content/view/Do-It-Yourself-Body-Care-for-the-New-Year
A Tu B’Shvat Seder to Heal the Wounded Earth
The New Year – for Rebirthing Trees:
[This version of the Haggadah for Tu B’Shvat has been greatly adapted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow of The Shalom Center from a Haggadah shaped by Ellen Bernstein, as published in Trees, Earth, and Torah: A Tu B’Shvat Anthology (Jewish Publ. Soc., 1999, ed. by Elon, Hyman, & Waskow). Bernstein wrote introductory remarks to sections of that Haggadah, many of which have been included or adapted for this one. They are indicated in the text by the initials “EB.” * The desire for such a Haggadah grew from discussions of the Green Hevra, a network of Jewish environmental organizations. ...
Official Launch of Jews Against Hydrofracking: Learn how you can help combat this Environmental & Public Health crisis!
If one Jew sins, all of Israel feels it….This can be compared to the case of men on a ship, one of whom took a drill and began drilling beneath his own place. His fellow travelers to said to him:what are you doing?’ He replied: ‘What does that matter to you, I am drilling only under my own place?’ They continued: ‘We care because the water will come up and flood the ship for us all.
Midrash: Vayikra (Leviticus) Rabbah- 4:6
First off, open http://www.facebook.com/jewsagainsthydrofracking in a new window and like us. Now read on:
This teaching of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai seems ...
Wilderness Canoe Trip For Jewish Educators, Camp and Youth Group Leaders
* Backcountry Camping Skills
* Jewish Eco-theology
* Integrated of Jewish Wilderness Experience
Sign up now, this is a trip not to be missed!
When: June 23 - 27, 2011
Where: Adirondack National Park, NY
How Much: $650.00
• Rabbi Howard Cohen, founder and senior guide for Burning Bush Adventures*
• Noam Dolgin, a leader in Jewish environmental education (www.noamdolgin.com)
For more info: www.burningbushadventures.com
Email: burningbushadventures@gmail.com
Call: 413-652-7086
*In business since 1989, Burning Bush Adventures is the established leader in combining backco...