Jewish Community Centers of North America

DISCOVER: JCC Grows is a multi-pronged initiative for JCCs and JCC movement camps that promotes healthy and nutritious eating, addresses hunger relief in our communities, as well as promotes greening, a greater consciousness about where our food comes from and its impact on the environment, food justice and the connection between food and Jewish tradition. It includes food-related programming and resources with a focus on fresh food collections, connecting to local food producers and the cornerstone of the project, encouraging JCCs and camps to create and maintain a sustainable producing garden in which a portion of the produce is donated to emergency food providers (food pantries, shelters, and other venues assisting under-served populations). JCC’s of North America is the largest Jewish agency working in partnership with Let’s Move and the USDA’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

Password protected resources and materials are posted on the JCC intranet for JCC staff.

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