Green Team – String of Pearls Reconstructionist Synagogue of Princeton, NJ

The String of Pearls Congregation has made the commitment to obtain Greenfaith Certification (see and to engage our members in meaningful action and dialogue on the importance of sustainability and our traditions reverence for Creation. To fulfill this vision of achieving Greenfaith certification, we are dedicated to working together to:• foster a relationship with our youth that encourages the development of more mindful habits that sustain our planet’s well-being• perform acts of tikkun, repairing some of the world’s brokenness through actions leading to an increase in social and environmental justice• become known in the wider community as shomrei adamah [guardians, or stewards, of the earth] and accept the responsibilities that come with Earth stewardship• extend our concern for our own family’s health and well-being to include the greater health of our planet and our global environment• deepen our trust and sense of security in life, by enlivening our embodied and felt connections to the source of creation from which we believe comes bitachon [trust, security] in its truest sense

The Greenfaith Organization based in New Brunswick, NJ provides numerous resources for congregations wishing to incorporate sustainable practices and eco-theology within their local faith community (see