Launched in the spring of 2014, Abundance Farm is a Jewish food justice farm and outdoor classroom located in Northampton, Massachusetts. The farm is a unique collaboration between Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI), Lander-Grinspoon Academy (LGA), and the Northampton Survival Center (NSC). These three organizations share a physical campus which includes the farm. Abundance Farm is a special oasis in Northampton where people of all ages and backgrounds are drawn for community, learning and nourishment. The mission of Abundance Farm is to practice and promote core Jewish values of social justice and environmental stewardship, while serving as a catalyst for Jewish identity and community building through innovative outdoor education. Abundance Farm is a place where: 1) Commitments to food justice and environmental stewardship are inspired and expressed. 2) Strong community is built across age, faith and background. 3) Experiential, land-based education teaches environmental sustainability, permaculture principles and Jewish ecological wisdom. 4) Jewish life and learning are experienced as joyful, meaningful and relevant to today’s world.
Watch this video to learn more about The Story of Abundance Farm!