Mission: The TorahTrek Center for Jewish Wilderness Spirituality provides vision and Judaic resources for the Jewish community and the environmental movement. The Center trains leaders to become authentic, effective teachers of Jewish spirituality, and role models and advocates for a sustainable society. Vision: The TorahTrek Center for Jewish Wilderness Spirituality seeks to build vibrant Jewish communities, living in balance with their neighbors and environs, by exposing Judaism’s roots in wilderness, facilitating direct experience of the Divine in nature, demonstrating the effectiveness of Judaism as a spiritual practice, and fostering the spiritual growth of individual Jews and Jewish communities. Through leadership training and curriculum development, TorahTrek is creating a Jewish communitythat brings the natural world into mainstream Jewish education for children, youth and adults. As the love of God’s creation pervades the Jewish community, more and more Jews will serve the Holy One by practicing sustainable living and working for a sustainable society.
TorahTrek Programs-Teaching Jewish spirituality and environmental responsibility in the wild. The TorahTrek Guides Track Leadership Training Program provides up to twelve emerging leaders each year with the experience and the skills to teach Jewish spirituality and sustainable living. The TorahTrek e-Journal-An online magazine on eco-Jewish thought, education and sustainability. The TorahTrek Website-An online resource for Judaism and Jewish spiritual practice in the natural world. The TorahTrek Course-An online course in eco-Judaism andJewish Wilderness Spirituality.