Ethical Foods Co-op at the J

The mission of the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston is to develop and strengthen Jewish identity, foster Jewish values and enrich the Jewish community and the greater community.

In Jewish tradition, the values of shmirat haguf, or, taking care of our bodies, and being shomrei adamah, or, guardians of the earth, are essential to living a Jewish life. One of the many ways we live out these values at the J is by offering the Houston community opportunities to take part in our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and our Meat Buying Club.

Our CSA, a partnership between the J, Hazon, and Houston’s ownPlant It Forward Farms, provides members with access to the freshest organically and locally grown vegetables in town. Become a member on your own or split a share with a friend.

Visit for details.

Our Meat Buying Club, a partnership between the J and Grow and Behold, organizes bulk meat orders several times a year for those who are interested in purchasing pastured, responsibly raised OU-Glatt kosher beef, lamb, turkey, chicken and nitrate-free sausages and provisions. No minimum purchase and no commitment required. Just buy what you want!

Visit for details.