This is an example of a mission statement, every school must develop their own to suit their specific needs.
Hang the mission throughout your school, distribute it to teachers and students with introductory information. Have students and faculty commit to it, sign it, etc. Remember, make it as specific to your school and your setting as possible.
Some schools find a one or two line slogan works better than a full mission statement.
"It’s not up to you to finish the task, but neither are you free to ignore it!"
Pikei Avot 2:20,21
As part of Jewish and educational mandates, our school is committed to building a more sustainable future through teaching and modeling environmental awareness and responsibility.
Working together as a team, students, faculty and staff will work to create an environmentally responsible community by striving to fulfill the environmental mission in all aspects of school life.
We believe environmentally responsible behaviour is a reflection of our Jewish values and therefore must be part of our lives and actions as Jews living a Jewish life.
We are committed to stewardship of the environment in all our educational and administrative dealings. We recognizing that we are but one small part of Creation. Therefore we must value, protect, preserve, and replenish natural resources.
We will foster a culture of environmental awareness in our students, faculty and staff that promotes responsible behaviour where we learn, work, live, and play.
We commit to waste minimization and increasing recycling throughout the school including in classrooms, lunch halls and administrative offices.
We commit to energy usage reductions and reducing our carbon footprint throughout the school.
As an institution, our priorities, decisions, and actions will be informed by their environmental impact. We shall pay particular attention to the use of our land, the construction and renovation of our facilities.
We will establish an eco-team consisting of students, faulty, staff and parents to meet regularly to evaluate school progress and direct future environmental activity.
Upon creating the first human beings, God guided them around the Garden of Eden, saying; ‘Look at my creations! See how beautiful and perfect they are! I created everything for you. Make sure you don’t ruin or destroy My world. If you do, there will be no one after you to fix it.’
Midrash Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) Rabbah 7:20
Materials developed by Noam Dolgin,
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