The Compost Heroes is a resource for parents and educators of children K-12 to intiate enviromental discussion and action. The comic book-style format, the imaginative adventure story, and the appealing animal characters (plucky forest animals 'rescue' garabge and turn it into compost!) make the book fun for the youngest readers, while the footnotes on every page are substantive enough to engage the older students and adults.
Since becoming a Master Composter (NY Department of Sanitation, Bureau of Waste Prevention, Reuse and Recycling) , I have led many workshops featuring The Compost Heroes. A format that has worked well for me has been to read the book, asking for lots of audience participation, followed by a hands-on program, such as giving a vermi-composting worm bin demo, or actually setting up a compost system for the participants at their location.
I have been privileged to be invited to present programs at NYC Public Schools, NYC libraries, NY Hall of Science, Queens Botanical Gardens, Savannas Nature Preserve, Village Green Environmental Education School in Florida, Greenmarkets, bookstores, etc.. A "Be a Compost Hero" program was awarded a 2011 NYSERDA grant to lead a compost education program and set up a compost facility at P.S. 174 in Queens, NY.
It is my hope that other environmental activists/educators/parents will adopt The Compost Heroes as part of their activities. There is also The Compost Heroes Coloring Book for younger children available on my website. I encourage educators to select specific pages for particular lesson plans and to duplicate those particular pages for the entire class.
I am very interested in feedback about this resource.