URJ Resolution: Climate Change and Energy (2009)
Climate Change and Energy
Submitted by the Commission on Social Action to the Union for Reform Judaism’s 70th General Assembly
…For more than forty years the Reform Movement has advocated in defense of our environment and all those species — from the smallest creatures to humankind itself — that rely on our shared natural habitat and resources for survival.
…We now face the unprecedented challenge of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for serious and urgent action on this issue has never been clearer. This growing threat, along with our rapidly decreasing supply of fossil fuels, further illustrates the need for strong energy and environmental policies at every level.
…THEREFORE, the Union for Reform Judaism resolves to:
Support U.S. and Canadian domestic climate and energy policies that:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions through properly constructed governmental policies — such as cap-and-trade, a carbon tax or other methods to achieve these ends — that ensure that the price of energy reflects its true costs, including costs to our environment;…
Learn more at http://rac.org/advocacy/issues/issueenv/issuecc/action/.
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