Kayamut Sustainability Circle June 18, 2012

On June 18, I had the privilege of leading an evening with our Silver Spring Sustainability Circle, focusing on recycling. We were pleased to have a special speaker from the Montgomery County Recycling Program to share with us about their process and about what is recyclable in our neighborhood.

I had a new video camera so I took some videos (10 minutes each) of different parts of the evening. I'm learning a lot of lessons about how to use this video camera, and so you'll see that some parts are too bright, some too dark… and sometimes there is background noise… however, it should give you a sense of what we did and what we learned!


Evonne's Opening and Dvar Torah

Eileen Kao: Kayamut Part 2

Kayamut Part 3

Kayamut Part 4

Kayamut Part 5

Kayamut Part 6

Kayamut Part 7