Be a Part of the Jewcology Collaborative Video!

Jewcology is pleased to invite our members to participate in a collaborative video effort, which will display the rich and diverse worldwide community of Jewish environmentalists. We welcome your submissions to the collaborative video, which will be posted and promoted widely around Tu b’Shevat.

How to Create Your Video

  • Each person can submit a total of one video.
  • You must be over 13 to participate.
  • Stand or sit in front of a plain wall with a neutral background.
  • You can show your entire body or your waist up (see the sample), but please no talking heads.
  • Practice your script several times before recording. Please pause a beat or take a breath between each sentence to allow us to cut the pieces together. Some items you will have the option of saying more than once, so that they can be spliced together.
  • You can see a sample video, demonstrated by Becca Bodenstein, below.
  • You can find a copy of the script attached below.
  • At the end of the script, you will have the option to add one extra sentence and one extra word. Have fun with this!
  • Your clip should not be more than 1:30.

How to Submit Your Video:

  • If you have a YouTube account, post your video on your own channel, and then embed it as a response to Becca Bodenstein’s sample at
  • If you do not have YouTube account, please click here to drop us a quick email, and we’ll send you the information to post.

This video will be a huge opportunity to display the worldwide diversity of the Jewish environmental community. Please participate by submitting your video!! Deadline for submissions: Monday, December 20.

A public group for discussion and questions related to the collaborative video is available here. Please join to follow ongoing discussions about this project!

Member since 2010
The Jewcology Team was created to develop and manage the Jewcology site! Our posts represent messages and tools for the entire field.
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