Today’s environmental challenge is one of the most significant issues facing the world, and many Jews are working to address this concern. Jewcology is strengthening this Jewish environmental movement and bringing Jews and Jewish communities together from around the world, to create true environmental change.
Jewcology’s goal is empowering the Jewish community to lead environmental change and address the global sustainability challenge. It enables this through social media engagement tools for the global Jewish environmental network, leadership training to empower leaders, and a shared library of Jewish environmental content for educators, lay-leaders and rabbis.
Jewcology is partnering with many other Jewish environmental organizations, such as Hazon and COEJL, and individual Jewish environmentalists worldwide, to connect and empower the global Jewish environmental community.
In its first year, Jewcology:
- received over 18,000 visits from more than 10,000 unique visitors representing 101 countries;
- hosted over 400 blog posts and nearly 500 ideas shared by Jewish environmental leaders and organizations;
- built a global network of 400 registered users who are uploading resources, posting blogs, joining on-line communities and commenting on each other’s posts; and
- trained 48 Jewish environmental and social justice leaders to tell their stories in a way that motivates communities to action.
But there is still so much more for us to do! We need new and enhanced technologies, increased PR and more professionalization so that Jewcology can realize its full potential.
To support our work in 2012, Jewcology has received a matching challenge grant of $20,000, and has so far raised over $14,000 toward the match. Funds raised will be used to improve social media tools, expand leadership trainings and professionalize the project’s efforts. Can you help us get the rest of the way to our goal?
You can help by:
1) Donating on our project page at Razoo:
2) Posting this message on facebook: “I support Jews protecting the environment! Do you?”
3) Posting this message on twitter: “Jews can make a difference in the global environmental challenge. Help @jewcology make a difference, ”
4) Forwarding this message to your friends.
Thanks for your generous support!