Appreciation for Nature’s Blessings: Exploring the Gifts of the Earth – A Tu B’Shevat Seder
Looking to organize a community Tu b’Shevat Seder? Canfei Nesharim has the resources for you!
This resource includes Printable Honor Cards for use at your Appreciation for Nature's Blessings Seder.
Note: These haggadot are meant to be printed double-sided on legal recycled paper, and folded twice. (They can also be "scaled" in your printer to letter size, but the text will be a bit small.)
For more Tu B'Shevat Seder resouces including additional haggadot, please visit the Plan a Tu B'Shevat Seder page.
“Using Canfei Nesharim’s Materials this Tu b'Shevat? Please fill out a simple form to tell us about your participation, and (if you choose) your community will be listed on our partners list.”
This content originated at Canfei
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