
Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation

Human rights. Land Use. San Francisco.
Community Organizing. New York. Tzedek. Race.
Beit Midrash. Tel Aviv. Poverty. Immigration. Lobbying.
Farming. London. Young Adults. Food Access…

May 12-15, 2011
Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
Falls Village, Connecticut

The first annual Siach conference will launch a global network of experienced Jewish environment and social justice professionals, as well as highly dedicated lay leaders, from Israel, North America, and Europe to connect and collaborate upon a shared passion and commitment to Tzedek and Tikkun Olam.

Approximately 120 participants, roughly 40% from Israel, 40% from North America, and 20% from Europe, will attend the first conference.

Follow this link for more information and to apply. Applications are due Dec 5.