Introducing Teva Ivri

Hi all,

We're very happy to join Jewcology 🙂

Who are we?

Teva Ivri – Jewish Nature is an NGO based in the Galilee (northern part of Israel). We're dedicated to create Jewish environmental responsibility, and to significantly join social values rooted in Jewish tradition with environmental values.

What we do?

  • We work within formal and informal education to promote social-environmental activism based on Jewish tradition
  • We maintain an easily accessible online resource center in the field of Judaism and Environment (check out our materials in Hebrew at
  • We promote Jewish environmental discourse in the Israeli society
  • We are committed to strengthen the bonds between Israel and Jewish communities around the world

We are thrilled to be part of Jewcology and hope for fruitful collaborations!

Check out this blog for updates on our various activities, and feel free to contact us at

This is a short film taken during The Flood Ahead Festival Teva Ivri organized in Jerusalem on October 2010 as part of Shabbat Noah events. Enjoy!