Environment Art Contest

BabagaNewz.com is teaming up with Jewcology.com to spread the word about Jewish environmentalism.

Teach your students what Judaism has to say about preserving our environment using the lesson plan provided, then have students create artwork—print or multimedia—based on a relevant Jewish text of their choice. (See www.babaganewz.com/envirocontest for a list of appropriate Jewish texts.)

Your students could:

· See their artwork featured on BabagaNewz.com

· Receive a water-powered alarm clock if they’re one of ten finalists

· Receive a solar backpack if they’re one of two top winners

Print artwork may include a comic, two-dimensional art, a poster, an advertisement, and more. Multimedia artwork may include a video, cartoon, slideshow, slideshow with music, recorded skit, and so on.

Five finalists will be selected in each category—print and multimedia. Community voting on BabagaNewz.com will determine the grand-prize winners—one print and one multimedia. Ten finalists and two top winners will receive prizes!

Deadline: Friday, February 25, 2011

Must be in 3rd through 8th grade to enter.

Visit www.babaganewz.com/envirocontest for Jewish texts, complete contest rules, and entry information.

BabagaNewz.com is an innovative, educational web site for Jewish middle school students and teachers. Our perspectives are novel, hip, fun & thought-provoking!

Jewcology.com is the new web portal for the global Jewish environmental community – featuring a wide range of curriculum ideas, Torah teachings, and program suggestions on Jewish-environmental topics for your classroom and community.