What does the game "Musical Chairs" have to do with the upcoming Leadership Training Program Mar. 13-14 at Pearlstone?
Before I answer that, let's explore what the game is all about.
According to Wikipedia, after the music stops "[t]he player who is left without a chair is eliminated from the game, and one chair is also removed to ensure that there will always be one fewer chair than there are players. The music resumes and the cycle repeats until there is only one player left in the game, who is the winner….In the non-competitive version of 'musical chairs' one chair but no player is eliminated in each round. All players have to 'sit down' on the remaining chairs, while their feet must not touch the floor."
As world population increases, and as more countries vie for more resources, the world is losing its forests, as well as traditional fuel sources like oil, gas and coal, at an amazing rate. At the same time, fuel resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and hydrogen (cells and fusion) are becoming more robust, but aren't ready to supply the world's demand for power.
We are thus in an environmental musical chairs situation. As resources run out, prices will rise, and poorer countries will be left without a "chair". Alternatively, as resources run out, poorer countries may "pile on" as in the non-competitive version of Musical Chairs. That is, war and conflict may increase.
We have a golden opportunity at this point in history, while the "music is still playing" to encourage people to adjust the way they've been living and to become conscious of other ways that elevate the earth and ourselves with it.