Scientists’ Retreat a Success!

On March 25-27, Canfei Nesharim hosted the first retreat of our Science & Technology Advisory Board. The board is comprised of Orthodox environmental scientists, who have expertise in specific areas of environmental science and are also committed to educating the Orthodox community about protecting the environment. Five scientists from around the world gathered at the Kemp Mill Synagogue (KMS) in Silver Spring, MD, for a weekend retreat. Four additional environmental scientists joined us by phone for the business meeting on Sunday afternoon.

The packed weekend schedule included four talks during Shabbat at KMS, a Saturday evening meet and greet with local Jewish environmental partners, and an "Ask the Scientists" breakfast this morning.

To advance our educational and greening efforts (particularly in the Orthodox community), Canfei Nesharim is seeking additional Orthodox environmental professionals in the science and technology domains. For more information, please email Dr. Daniel Weber, chair of the advisory board.

Learn more about our scientists and their talks this weekend:

KMS was proud to host Orthodox environmental scientists from around the world gathering for Canfei Nesharim’s Science and Technology Advisory Board retreat, speaking on the topic: “What does it mean to live sustainably?”


March 25-27

7 AM Minyan

Dr. Clifford Weisel:

Mayim Chaim and Water Sustainability

Clifford Weisel, Ph.D. is a professor in the Exposure Science Division of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School/University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He holds appointments in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University and at the UMDNJ School of Public Health.

8 AM Minyan

Dr. Steven Brenner:

Developments in Environmental Awareness and Action in Israel

Steve Brenner is a physical oceanographer and meteorologist who received his PhD in meteorology from MIT in 1982. From 1985 -2003 he was the head of the Department of Physical Oceanography at the National Institute of Oceanography in Haifa. Currently he is the scientific coordinator and deputy team leader of the Red Sea Study.

1 hour before Mincha

Dr. Mark Altabet: Doing Something about the Weather

Mark Altabet is currently Professor of Marine Science at the School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Adjunct Professor at Brown University. He received his BS at Stony Brook University and his PhD at Harvard U.

Between Mincha and Ma’ariv

Dr. Daniel Weber:

Birds and Parapets: Jewish Insights into Sustainability and Environmental Health

Dr. Daniel Weber received his B.S. with distinction in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, M.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of Michigan, and PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in behavioral toxicology of fishes. He is a Senior Scientist at the Children’s Environmental Health Sciences Center at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Sunday morning, 9:45 am

“Ask the Scientists” breakfast at KMS after Shacharit

Canfei Nesharim connects traditional Torah texts with contemporary scientific findings, to educate and empower the Jewish community to build a more sustainable world.