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An Important Organizational Transition
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Canfei Nesharim, I'm writing to share with you the news of an important transition for our organization which will take place over the next several months. Over the last eleven years, Canfei Nesharim's network of leaders and participants has grown to include thousands of Jews who read our materials, share them with their communities, and act together to protect Hashem's natural resources. ...
What are You Doing for Tu b’Shevat?
On Shabbat we began the Jewish month of Shevat, sometimes thought of as the "green" month in the Jewish year. The Jewish "New Year of the Trees" falls this year on Shabbat January 25-26, in less than two weeks! Tu b'Shevat is a great time to learn and share with your community about Torah teachings on protecting the environment. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and educate your family, friends, and community ...
Canfei Nesharim Leader To Speak at White House Event!
There is a big event this Thursday, organized and hosted by White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships: “Greening America’s Congregations: The Faith Community and Energy Efficiency.” It’s a gathering of faith leaders to talk about how we as the faith community can make a different in saving energy, saving money, and reducing emissions. They expect approximately 100-150 people to attend. We ...
Two Day Organic Lollipop Sale for Purim!
Purim is right around the corner... Will yours be sustainable? Purim falls this year on Thursday, March 8. Share your environmental commitment with your community by ordering Kosher Organic Lollipops for Purim! Now for two days only (February 23 and February 24), get up to 25% off our usual low prices, in our pre-Purim sale! (Just ...
Last Day to Order Free Haggadot
Good Chodesh! Today is Rosh Chodesh Shevat; according to Beit Shammai, THIS is the new year of the trees! In any case, we wish you a good and green new month. Tu b'Shevat is in just two weeks, on Tuesday-Wednesday February 7-8! Today is the final deadline for orders of free haggadot this year. You can order up to 25 Haggadot absolutely free by posting your request on our facebook page. ...
There’s Light.
We love this time of year. The opportunity to share special moments with family, lighting candles, eating latkes, and sharing special community celebrations. As we come together to celebrate happy moments, Chanukah is a great time to share Torah learning and to remember to be mindful of our energy actions. Chanukah reminds us that even when things may seem dark, there's light. To share the light this year, Canfei Nesharim's ...
Scientists’ Retreat a Success!
On March 25-27, Canfei Nesharim hosted the first retreat of our Science & Technology Advisory Board. The board is comprised of Orthodox environmental scientists, who have expertise in specific areas of environmental science and are also committed to educating the Orthodox community about protecting the environment. Five scientists from around the world gathered at the Kemp Mill Synagogue (KMS) in Silver Spring, MD, for a weekend retreat. Four ...
Clean Green this Pesach!
Pesach is coming! The first seder is Monday night, April 18. In the frenzy of cleaning, we sometimes forget the importance of protecting the environment. To keep you centered in this busy time, Canfei Nesharim offers resources to help you remember, and remind your community, to "clean green." Great resources to help you clean green this year: Recipes for green cleaning products, Links to eco-friendly cleaning ...
Celebrate a Sustainable Purim!
Purim falls this year on March 20. Joyful and fun, the holiday also includes an opportunity to share your environmental commitments with your community. To help you save resources this Purim, Canfei Nesharim offers great ideas for healthy, beautiful, waste-free mishloach manot. Includes price-coded links for inexpensive and eco-friendly products that you might like to include in your mishloach manot package! You can also take advantage ...
Get up to 25 Free Haggadot – Jewcology Special! Deadline Tuesday.
Organizing a Tu b'Shevat Seder? Wishing for some beautiful haggadot to share with your community? Until Tuesday, January 11, Canfei Nesharim is offering up to 25 free haggadot for Tu b'Shevat 5771, in our Jewcology special. Simply "follow" Canfei Nesharim on Jewcology, then send us a message via Jewcology with your mailing details - how many you'd like (up to 25) and where the materials should be sent. Orders will be sent out ...
Get up to 25 Free Haggadot – Social Media Special!
Canfei Nesharim is offering up to 25 free haggadot for Tu b'Shevat 5771, in our social media special. Simply "like" Canfei Nesharim on facebook and post details of how many haggadot and in what city they will be used. For example "25-Baltimore." We'll contact you via facebook to get your mailing details. Deadline is today: Friday, January 7!
Digital Detritus: The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste
by Dr. Daniel Weber In one small town in rural China, the blood of the local children is so contaminated from a specific local industry that over 80% of them are now diagnosed with significant lead poisoning[1]. Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in . Fumes filled with poisonous dioxins and heavy metals fill the lungs of workers in Accra, Ghana as they melt the plastic insulation off copper wires[2]. In ...