www. a r a v a . o r g
The Arava Institute is offering two $1000 scholarships for fall 2011 semester.
Suitable candidates must
Be North American
Be accepted to the Fall 2011 semester.
Be able to demonstrate leadership accomplishments.
Have a passion for environmental issues.
As part of the application process to the Arava Institute you are required to provide two
letters of recommendation and a personal essay. To apply for the grant:
1. One of your letters of recommendation must address your leadership skills and
2. Your personal admission essay should highlight:
a. Your goals in studying at the Arava Institute.
b. Your personal and professional aspirations.
c. Your leadership achievements.
The recipients of the grant will be required to work with the Program Director on
community based projects during their semester at the Arava Institute.
Apply to
Application forms can be found at the Arava Institute website How to Apply
Final Due Date: July 20, 2011
The Arava Institute is the premier environmental teaching and research program in the Middle East,bringing together students from the Middle East