Here are three things to do for Shabbat Noach!

Here are three very simple things you can do for Shabbat Noach to honor God’s covenant with all life:

1) Learn and teach the rainbow blessing: “Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha`olam ZOKHER ET HABRIT — Blessed be You, Hashem…who remembers the covenant!” And — you can remember that the first covenant in the Torah wasn’t just for humanity. It was a covenant with all animals and with the land itself.

2) Say a prayer for the all living things. You can find a prayer based on the rainbow covenant and P’ri Eitz Hadar (the first Tu Bishvat seder) on (You’ll also find other resources for Shabbat Noach.) The English text goes like this:

God full of compassion, remember Your covenant with all life, the
covenant of the waters of Noah. Spread a sukkah of compassion and
peace over all Life’s species and over us. Surround all our relations
with Shekhinah’s radiance; water them with Your river of delights in
all of their habitats. Then “the bow will appear in the cloud” joyful
and beautified with its colors, and the Tree of Life will return to
its original strength, so that we and our descendants may merit to
live many days on Earth, like the days of the Skies over the Land.
Blessed be the Life of the worlds!

3) Pick one other exercise or project from the Rainbow Day curriculum and do it /share it!

May we all be blessed to bring healing to the Earth and to all the species that share this planet with us.

Rabbi David Seidenberg