We’re Almost There!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been updating you about Jewcology’s Meet Our Match Campaign. Now, with just 4 days left, Jewcology has raised over $19,000 toward our match goal. With your help and generosity, I know that we can raise the remaining funds.
Jewcology community, we have an extraordinary opportunity to unite the Jewish environmental movement and empower the Jewish community to lead environmental change and address the global sustainability challenge. Can you help us get the rest of the way to our $20,000 goal?
You can help by:
1) Donating on our project page at Razoo: http://www.razoo.com/story/Support-Jewcology
2) Posting this message on facebook: “I support Jews protecting the environment! Do you? http://www.razoo.com/story/Support-Jewcology”
3) Posting this message on twitter: “Heal the world! @jewcology is bringing #Jews together for #environmental change. http://bit.ly/sVLiav”
4) Forwarding this message to your friends.
Thanks so much for your generous support!
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