Are We There Yet?

(reposted from Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin's blog: dated February 1, 2012)

"We used to teach technology as a subject. [Today,] it's no longer the 'something' that we teach; it's the platform on which we deliver information." Shaindle Braunstein-Cohen on iPads in Jewish Day Schools, by Rabbi Jason Miller (quoted from eJewish Philanthropy)

This is true with so many fundamental tasks of life: walking, reading, writing … The techniques that we once labored so hard to master ultimately become merely platforms upon which we build creative worlds.

So too with sustainability. We teach sustainability as a subject today. We will know we have arrived at a sustainable world when it is no longer something we teach but something that forms, quite naturally, the "platform", the given, upon which we build the production, consumption and "waste" of our society.

1 Reply to "Are We There Yet?"

  • Evonne Marzouk
    February 13, 2012 (9:42 pm)

    This is such a helpful context! Thanks for sharing it. But in answer to your question, I think the answer is no. We are not there yet!

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