During the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, we count the Omer, an opportunity to elevate ourselves spiritually and acknowledge the agricultural realities of the land of Israel. The mitzvah is to count each day on its day. An Omer Counter can support you in remembering which days you've counted so far.
If you're like me, it goes like this:
Every year I plan to count the Omer with an actual Omer Counter. I will check off the boxes every day so that I never lose track of what day it is, or forget to count a single day.
Then, I spend weeks upon weeks cleaning and preparing for Passover. In the frenzy, I forget that the Omer begins on the SECOND DAY of Passover. And so I begin my counting without an Omer Counter.
Somewhere around day 10, I am looking for a Omer Counter that I can print out — something that is free, one page, reflects my values, and helps me connect to the agricultural realities of the land of Israel, a significant feature of the Omer period. But I can't find one!
Then around day 20, I'm trying to remember if we're on day 20 or 21 and wishing I had printed out my Omer Counter during Passover.
So, if you are in the same situation, here is what you have been looking for: the Green Omer Counter from Canfei Nesharim. Enjoy! (And print it out so you can use it this year!)
P.S. Learn more about Counting the Omer and Connecting to the Land