The Sin of Unknowing

It amazes me how we will work so much harder at convincing ourselves that our current toxic habits are ok, or are ok in moderation, rather than accepting the reality that we’ve maybe made mistakes, and have to do better. We seem, as a culture, so willing to deny and rationalize the very things that we inherently know are not good for us now, and certainly pose problems for our future. I’ll admit easily that change is hard, especially in our busy lives, but what’s the alternative?

I wish that I had learned how to appreciate meditation and yoga when I was younger, I wish I hadn’t eaten countless slices of processed cheese in individual plastic wrappers, and wish I knew that when I invested my hard earned dollars on a new mattress for my apartment, I was investing in the flame retardant industry and harming my health. Although I was absolutely horrified to find out the dangers of each of these things and more, hindsight screams “HOW did you not know that?” But, the key is, that once I knew, I decided to no longer UNKNOW and made the conscious decision to change…relentlessly. It is too bad that we can’t have do-overs once we learn, grow and know. However, one thing that we CAN do, is to simply keep moving forward and actually use what we learn, when we learn it, to improve (like when I learned what really went into hot dogs– never again purchased or eaten!).

There are many reasons that we shop, eat, and live without a conscience – perhaps it’s the fear of change, maybe it’s about the cost of change, it could even be that we are overwhelmed with the thought of how much we need to change and do not know where to start, and maybe we don’t even really know some of the things that we need to be outraged about. The sin of unknowing affects us all, and one of the best ways that we can repair the world, and take care of each other is to continue to educate and inspire…and if we listen to each other, and act on what we know, and share it widely and kindly, imagine what a better life we can lead now, plus how it might benefit our future generations.

It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept. ~ Bill Watterson