Extend the Production Tax Credit Now!
The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) are joining together to demonstrate the Jewish community’s support for the extension of the Production Tax Credit for wind energy production.
The Production Tax Credit is an important vehicle through which the federal government encourages renewable energy development. Increased development of renewable energy reduces our reliance on fossil fuels, which are detrimental to our environment, health, and security. The tax credit provides an incentive to continue new investment and production in clean technology, and contributes to the creation of jobs and economic growth. The credit has had dramatic impact on investment in this crucial industry at a moderate cost, but it is set to expire at the end of December.
Now is the time to show support for renewable energy production and speak out in favor of an extension of the Production Tax Credit.
As Jews we are called from the earliest verses of Torah to be good stewards of our resources, including our climate, water and air, and to protect our health and our natural world. In Midrash we are told “Take care, lest you spoil and destroy my world, because if you do, there is no one after you to make it right again” (Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13). The continued deployment of renewable energy in this country is an important part of our efforts to take care of the world by addressing the causes of climate change.
Take action: tell your representatives to extend the Production Tax Credit!
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