Webinar – Take Action on Energy Post-Election
Wednesday, December 19 at 2:30 pm EST
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Learn about the environmental and energy policies that might come out of Washington in the next four years, and what you can do in your community to influence them. Find out about the current push in Congress to extend tax credits for renewable energy production, including the Production Tax Credit. Discover why new regulations under the Clean Air Act are so important to moving energy policy forward in the next four years, and how members of the public can engage in the rulemaking process.
This webinar will help you brainstorm advocacy projects to initiate in your Jewish community, and provide information on COEJL’s upcoming community organizing training in Washington, DC.
• Rabbi David Saperstein, Director and Counsel, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
• David Goldston, Director of Government Affairs, Natural Resources Defense Council
• Representative, American Wind Energy Association
COEJL will convene a community organizing training in partnership with JOIN for Justice for Jewish Energy Network members on March 13-14, 2013 in Washington, DC. Apply here!
The training and webinar are projects of the Jewish Energy Network, which is mobilizing Jewish individuals to help their communities reduce energy use and increase energy advocacy within the Jewish community. Click here to sign up.