Yesterday, we concluded our Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment. In appropriate Jewish fashion, we are turning immediately from LEARNING to DOING by launching our Year of Jewish Action on the Environment today!
Just in time for Tu b’Shevat, the new Canfei Nesharim/Jewcology Year of Action will provide tools and resources to empower the Jewish community to take action on energy conservation and reduce food waste.
We’re thrilled to announce that this program will be implemented in partnership with the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)! Check out our joint press release, “New Jewish Energy for Tu b’Shevat“!
The program includes action tips and a calculator on Jewcology, a web-based social media portal for the entire Jewish environmental community, where participants can report their actions and see their results – as well as the results of the entire Jewish community.
The program will continue through Tu B’Shvat 2014. New actions will be posted throughout the year.
Knowledge is power. The first step in any large undertaking is to find out where you are now!
Set aside an hour to walk around your home and make note of areas where energy may be wasted. Look for drafts, leaks, old appliances and light bulbs, and things plugged in that are not being used.
For more ideas, see
Take this action now and see the results of the entire community!
Featured Article: Director’s Introduction
While we cannot remove ourselves from the necessity of using energy, we have a moral obligation to work toward protecting our environment. There must be a sustainable alternative to how we live now.
The need to address our dependence on fossil fuels and increase our energy security has become central to our time. Although international commitments and legislation in Washington are critical in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy independence, our challenge is not to passively wait for policymakers to finally make their next moves. We need to bring our communal, institutional and personal strengths to bear now. That is why Jewish Energy Covenant Campaign leaders are committing to speak out as a public Jewish voice on energy and the environment.
Read the full article on COEJL’s website!
The Jewcology and Canfei Nesharim Teams
P.S. Looking for great resources to share with your community for Tu b’Shevat? Canfei Nesharim has a wealth of materials for you to use! And check out these great resources on Jewcology!