On Shabbat we began the Jewish month of Shevat, sometimes thought of as the "green" month in the Jewish year. The Jewish "New Year of the Trees" falls this year on Shabbat January 25-26, in less than two weeks!
Tu b'Shevat is a great time to learn and share with your community about Torah teachings on protecting the environment. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and educate your family, friends, and community about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment!
- Planning a program in your community?
- Interested in sharing Torah learning with your audience?
- Want to do some special family learning and maybe your own personal seder on Friday night?
Canfei Nesharim has a wealth of resources to help you. Many great resources available here: http://www.CanfeiNesharim.org/TuBShevat/
Back by popular demand: free ecoprinted haggadot! Get up to 25 free by joining our "Celebrating Tu b'Shevat with Canfei Nesharim" community on Jewcology and posting your request there. Deadline for free haggadot: Wednesday, January 16. Learn more about this opportunity here.
Wishing you a green month and a meaningful Tu b'Shevat!
P.S. It's a busy, busy time at Canfei Nesharim, as we're finishing up our Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment and getting ready for the Year of Action. Stay tuned for more info soon! If you're ready to get your community engaged in the Year of Action now, let us know!