Jewish Environmentalists Unite at the Forward on Climate Rally!

The Jewish environmental movement will have a shared presence at the Forward on Climate rally. Here are the details about the rally, as described by

At 12 Noon on Sunday, February 17, thousands of Americans will head to Washington, D.C. to make Forward on Climate the largest climate rally in history. Join this historic event to make your voice heard and help the president start his second term with strong climate action.

Many Jewish environmental organizations are promoting or participating in the event. For example:

The Shalom Center urges Jews who want to gather as Jews, as well as members of other religious communities, to come to a place where Sojourners (progressive Christian magazine), Interfaith Power & Light, and IMAC (Interfaith Moral Action on Climate) are gathering. People are urged to bring banners or placards and/or wear T-shirts announcing who they are (organizations or specific congregations).

WHERE AND WHEN: The multifaith group will gather from 11:30-12:30 outside the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden on the National Mall (between 7th and 9th Streets SW) – on on the north/Mall side on the gravel pathway. The closest Metro station is L’Enfant Plaza (green, yellow, orange, or blue lines). Look for Tim Kumfer, of the Festival Center, and Rose Berger, of Sojourners, who will be carrying a large “dove” to help you find them in the crowd.

Sign up and see IMAC info by going to: More details here:

In addition, the Pearlstone Center has provided a venue to coordinate transportation to the rally following their 5th Annual Beit Midrash (which takes place from February 15-17 in Baltimore). The Teva Learning Alliance will be coordinating a group from the Beit Midrash and intends to have a presence at the rally.

From the DC area, the Buber Youth Network and members of the Am Kolel congregation and its affiliates, led by Rabbi David Shneyer, will be taking part, bearing shofrot.

The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL), the Green Zionist Alliance (GZA), Hazon, the Jewish Farm School, Jewcology, NeoHasid and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism are participating by promoting this rally to our audiences.

We hope to see a nice contingent from the Jewish community at the rally!